
"Joy,shipmate,joy!" O we can wait no longer.*1 We too take ship, O soul! Joyous,we too launch out on trackless seas. Fearless, for unknown shores on waves of ecstasy to sail. Caroling free,singing our song of God! Joy,shipmate,joy! ...*2 o…


"The Ship Starting"Lo,the sea! The unbounded sea! On its breast a Ship starting, spreading all her sails―an ample Ship, carrying even her moonsails; The pennant is flying aloft, as she speeds, she speeds so stately―below, emulous waves pre…


もう一つの海の交響楽 ”Untold Want” The untold want,by life and land ne'er granted, Now voyager - sail thou forth to seek and find. 「満ち足りぬ」生命と大地に与えられるものでは 未だに満ち足りない 今こそ旅人よ 探求の航海に進むのだ 『別れの歌…


THE EXPLORERS THE EXPLORERS O vast Rondure, swimming in space,*1Covered all over with visible power and beauty,Alternate light and day and the teeming spiritual darkness,Unspeakeble high processions of sun and moon and countless stars abov…


”EDGE OF CHAOS” 血のにじむ手が何をつかむのか? カオスの縁で踊り狂うのか? それとも 潜在意識に身をゆだねて あたかも 悟り開いた偶像のような Haughty the Hatred! Don't break down an engagement! また今日も 期待すべき位相上に汝はいない Haughty th…


「TURNING POINT」我はここに 何処から回り 帰る理由を呼び覚まして 未だここに 刮目するべく 時の流れに身を晒している 心の器に満たすもの そんなに遠くはないと想えた Embody you! and Embody soul! Embody you! and Embody sounds! Embody you! and Embo…


「ALL THE LOVE」 ぬけるような碧い空に 君の瞳重ねてみた 想い出すね あの日のこと 君と僕の運命の出逢いを 風に揺れる長い黒髪 近くて遠い記憶の様さ 君の手のひら 握りしめて もう一度だけ 太陽を探せば OH 心にいつも空いていた 隙間が何かに埋め尽くさ…


___________We have but faith : we cannot know ; For knowledge is of things we see ; And yet we trust it comes from thee, A beam in darkness : let it grow.Let knowledge grow from more to more , But more of reverence in us dwell ; That mind …

「RVWの”南極交響曲”より第5楽章 Epilogue」R.F.スコット隊長の遺筆

" I do not regret this journey " I do not regret this journey;we took risks , we know we took them , things have come out against us,therefore we have no cause for complaint. "Captain Robert Falcon Scott「Message to the Public」" 私はこの…


Schrzo : The Waves After the sea -ship,After the whistling winds,After the whitegray sails taut to their spars and ropes,Below,a myraid,myraid waves hastening,lifting up their necks,Tending in ceaseless flow toward the track of ship,Waves …


A Song for All Seas , All Ships Behold, the SEA itself!!And on its limitless, Heaving Breast , the ships :See, where their white sails , Bellying in the wind, spekle the green and blue,See, the steamers coming and going , steaming in or ou…


On the Beach at Night Alone On the Beach at Night Alone,As the old mother sways her to and for singing her husky song,As I watch the bright stars shining, I think a thought of the clef of the univeses and of the future.Avast similitude int…